Name: Ted van Iersel
Education and duration: VUMC Medicine, Research Internship, 24 weeks
Internship subject: Patient perceptions after treatment of shoulder instability
Type of research: Qualitative (focus group) study
Main Conclusion: Fear of (recurring) luxation is the most important patient perspective regarding the treatment. Make it negotiable and ask about this fear explicitly. It contributes to a patient feeling heard.
A retrospect: It was a fun educational internship, which was filled in differently due to the corona crisis. Normally you are in the hospital working with colleagues with whom you have contact, but that was different this year. On the other hand, because I was at home, I had the opportunity to work on other research projects, which together form a PhD research. So that's really nice and beautiful. I think I can take a lot of things with me to my future job, so that's great!