Name: Tamar Nieuweboer
Education and duration: bachelor Health and Life, 3 months
Internship subject: The effect of closing the shoulder capsule in a Latarjet procedure.
Type of research: Retrospective
Main conclusion: Both closing and not closing the shoulder capsule give good results.
A retrospect:
During my internship I focused on the effect of closing the shoulder capsule in a Latarjet procedure on the range of motion and stability of the shoulder. It was a retrospective study, which allowed me to extract all the data from the patient files myself. Ultimately, both closing the shoulder capsule and not closing the shoulder capsule appeared to give good results. There were no differences in the number of dislocations and complications. Closing the shoulder capsule did result in a greater loss of internal rotation of the shoulder. Even though I have largely worked at home because of COVID-19, I have learned a lot from my internship. I have gained experience with EPIC, writing amendments and analysing data. Furthermore, everyone was very helpful and I was able to ask all my questions. Altogether I had a fun and educational time at Joint Research, for which I want to thank everyone!